starting your acting journey

Opening Doors For Working-Class Actors By Patricia Jones

There has been a push to get more working-class people into actors but with that, there has been little to no attempt at providing any information or support, which is why we at the lost creatives were very happy to be able to talk to Patricia Jones, a working actress of note, and the author of the book “Opening Doors for Working-Class Actors.” 

Opening up to her readers about her own journey from her Northern English roots, and struggles, her honest and upfront approach to the art of acting offers up hope for those who want a career in the arts and shows that it can be done. 

The book itself covers the basics of starting out and takes you through the process, offering advice based on experience, anecdotes about people she has met, and how her own life shaped her journey. 

Each chapter sets out a map of the craft and puts you in a position to set a clear path from starting out to finding yourself an agent, with a series of current options that are designed to be researched and cross-referenced to fit your plans, budget, and aspirations. 

Something that stood out for us was the reference to theater as a learning platform, we are big advocates of working on stage as an actor or backstage as a crew member, you will learn a huge amount about time management, voice work, character development and working to the constraints of the stage, another plus is the short and student film market, both of which can give you a chance to build showreel material and network (a very important part of the job of an actor). 

The *book “Opening Doors for Working-Class Actors.” is a book that has been needed for many years and in a content-hungry age of digital downloads, shows that the craft is not just for those with financial means, it is a journey that can be made by anyone with the determination to do it. 

With the full support and endorsement of The Lost Creatives, the book “Opening Doors for Working-Class Actors” is something we highly recommend to anyone looking to delve into the world of acting or to expand their knowledge of the working world of actors. 

To learn more about Patrician Jones or discuss bookings see:

Patricia Jones Twitter.

For further details of the book which is available in Kindle, hardback and paperback format see:

Opening Doors For Working Class Actors Amazon UK.
