earning your craft

Talking Film and Starting Out With Alex Chalatsis

As part of the upcoming new team and production house Dead Origami Films, we have been lucky enough to talk to Alex Chalatsis about his entry into the industry and what his plans are for the future.

Can you give us some background on yourself and your career to date?

I’m from Greece and currently studying Drama & Theatre at Royal Holloway University because I think England is the best country on this side of the Atlantic to pursue this dream and eventually work in the entertainment industry. I am currently working on productions laid by Dead Origami Films and really enjoy my time there, working with equally passionate people to create something we are truly proud of. My resume is still relatively small mostly due to my age, but I am working on enriching it with quality projects as the years come.

Indie film commonly requires that crew multi-task, have you found yourself working more than one role on a project and what do you feel you have learned from that?  

 Yep, crew multi-tasking is a thing alright… I have done my fair share already. It really showed me how much useful it is for a filmmaker to be informed about everything because they are all connected, and I am interested in walking that path, learning about everything as much as I can. Filmmaking feels like cooking in some ways to me. You have a lot of separate ingredients that you try to figure out the correct amount to put in and make a tasty dish. You better know what each ingredient is and does!

You are part of a newly formed film production team, what is your role, and what is the plan for the company?  

 I’m fortunate enough to have found like-minded people with a similar vision of what they want to do in the future. The plan as of now contains 5 short films. Our current one is “Brutus” which is a modern adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (Act I, Scene II). Next, we’ll be doing “Garmr”, which is going to be the surrealistic exploration of a deranged WWII sniper. After which we’ll be doing two more modern adaptations of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and “Romeo & Juliet”, and finally “Iscariot: House of the Red Door”, all of them challenging and exciting in their own ways, building us up to our first feature film planned for 2024.

“My role in all of these will vary since I’m interested in various roles in filmmaking and still trying out and willing to learn new stuff, so I will be a little bit everywhere, I guess… I like to be involved in films and keep myself busy, I really enjoy it.”

What advice would you offer to people looking to enter the arena of film and TV in the digital market?  

I think I still haven’t broken into that “arena” myself to advise others in the first place, but I would say be nice to others. It’s advice that would be helpful in life in general and regarding filmmaking, connections are really important since you end up spending a lot of time with each other on set, it would be better if you get along! I hope in a few years I will have a more insightful answer.

To learn more about Alex and his upcoming work with Dead Origami Films see:

Dead Origami Films Twitter.

Dead Origami Films Facebook.

Dead Origami Films Instagram.

Dead Origami Films Youtube.

Source: https://youtu.be/5yUTi8yI2aU

Commercial Shoots and Editorial Goals

We are really excited about the upcoming photo project we are creating and have been carefully selecting clients to work with to augment this and take it in a more commercial direction, with a deal being worked alongside a Scottish clothing designer and a fashion media house in London that will see The Lost Creatives and The Lost Project, taking massive strides toward the creation of our goal of multimedia work.

Structuring the planned work round behind the scenes capturing the collective work of the Lost Creatives and the brands we will be working with to give an increased sense of cohesion and showcase not just the in house talent but also the brands and creatives we meet on our journey.

Within the next few months, we will be adding to our South Asian Stable of clients and collaborators with a new casting service that will be based out of Mumbai, one of our creative director’s favorite places to work incidentally. We will be continuing to work with the team at Nepal Film Production and pushing boundaries with them in what is set to be a hugely important aspect of the business we do. More on this soon.

Our business is naturally evolving and we are starting to see more and more interest from companies and we plan to offer packages for brand placement within the various behind the scenes for editorial/advertorial shoots, our TV series plans (we have 2 fantastic scripts in place) and on a smaller scale 3 short films we are currently planning for the festival circuit combining our in-house artists and actors with talent from other fields.

If any brands are interested in knowing more then please drop us an email to discuss.

Phone Calls, Planning and Pushing Boundaries

In the last few months, we have been working on something a little different that will change how we approach business longterm. While the goals are still the same it is the actions that will be redefined with a new corporate name and the closure of our books, we will not be taking in new staff long term but focusing on short term contracts and freelancers to create opportunities that will be agency (management based) giving us a more structured sense of control on the artistic and fiscal aspects of the work we undertake.

The overall feel of the Lost Concept is what we are planning to focus on and our South Asian contacts including Nepal film Production and a select number of artists in the acting field to create a stable of talent that will be at the heart of the business. HOD TV will be a major part of our future plans along with actor and model Raj Srivastava who has been a big supporter of the work.

Structuring a full-scale marketing plan built around different media elements such as editorial, short film, and TV with some cover images being created just for this project to showcase what we are and what we do.

New sites and business development projects/strategies that we will be announced soon are going to be leading the charge on how The Lost Concept is showcased and offering a different slant on how the creative art world works. While there is more to be done, we are really happy with the progress we have made and the support we have received so far to the prospect of our goals and proposals.

It is worth note that much of the work (and support) has been dependent on scheduling phonecalls via Whatsapp and Facebook messenger due to time differences etc.

Putting A Value On Assisting And Earning Your Craft

Being an assistant can be a big game-changer for your career and allow you to learn new skills, meet new people in the business and if you're smart about it you will gain more work and credits.

“Being an Assistant is not a negative thing.”

many people think that once they have a certificate they can walk onto a photoshoot, a film set or into the backstage area of a fashion event and immediately become the supervisor. Sadly that isn’t the case. Like any job you need to learn the ropes and there are multiple ways to do this but the best and most sensible is observing and assisting, you get all the advantages of being involved without the responsibility of being in charge.

Something I hear all the time is people feeling disappointed that the job (makeup artist, creative director, camera tech etc) is not what they expected or as glamorous as they thought, the reality of early mornings, late nights and dull corporate gigs can be mundane but pay well. Its, not all glitz and glamour, its called business for a reason, bear that in mind when you start touting for work.

The right people to deal with have done their time as a trainee (myself included) and know that what you learn in college is important but there is more to the job than what you learn in a class so you have to come in with an open mind, and be a team player.

It is not a denigration of your work that you are an assistant it can be a really smart move, especially when dealing in the film and TV realm.

If you are working, being paid and doing the job you are passionate about that is the important part. use it as a chance to learn a new skill or add to your CV. It’s better to get a credit as an assistant on a shoot be it film, TV, editorial or event than not get any credit at all. It shows you are proactive in your work and can be a part of a team.

No matter your age or status being an assistant can open new doors, create opportunities and if you're smart, look at the situation and put a value on what you are being offered and use it as a chance to advance your own work.